As per the latest syllabus in IAS Exam, candidates need to appear for one optional subjects in Main from the list of 26 Optional Subjects, the most popular Subjects offered by Global IAS Academy are….
- Geography
- Public Administration
- Psychology
- Kannada literature
- Sociology
- Anthropology
- Mathematics
Since optional Subjects are carrying 500 Marks , its crucial for the candidates to choose the correct optional according to their strength and weakness and also to finish the optional prep well before Prelims exam. Kindly contact us for Free Experts counselling on Optional Selection for IAS 2020
Geography Optional Planner Public Administration Optional Planner
IAS 2020 candidates should prepare for the optional without waiting for IAS Notification at the same time without affecting other GS paper preparation, if they have chosen one among above subjects – which they have great amount of overlapping with General Studies that would greatly reduce their time effort on Exam by 30% ( Because geography and Public Administration carry almost 300 & 250 Marks respectively in GS mains papers out of 1000 Marks allotted for 4 General studies papers)