Model Answers for IAS Mains Exam – Values & ethics
- 07/05/2023
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Mains Focus Values & ethics

Qn:Whistleblowing plays a crucial role in exposing wrongdoing and ensuring accountability. Discuss the ethical responsibilities of individuals to report unethical practices in public and private organizations. Analyze the challenges faced by whistleblowers, the role of institutional mechanisms in protecting them, and the potential impact on organizational integrity. Support your answer with a relevant case study. (250 words)
Case Study: The case of a whistleblower who exposed financial irregularities in a private company, leading to legal action and reforms within the organization. Analyze the ethical dilemmas faced by the whistleblower, the repercussions endured, and the significance of their actions in upholding transparency and accountability
Ans: Whistleblowing serves as a crucial mechanism for uncovering and addressing wrongdoing, promoting accountability, and upholding ethical standards in both public and private organizations. It entails a moral responsibility for individuals to report unethical practices and serve the greater good. This essay will discuss the ethical responsibilities of individuals to blow the whistle, the challenges faced by whistleblowers, the role of institutional mechanisms in protecting them, and the potential impact on organizational integrity, supported by a relevant case study.
Whistleblowers face significant ethical dilemmas when deciding to expose misconduct. They often grapple with concerns about personal and professional repercussions, such as retaliation, loss of livelihood, and damage to their reputation. However, their decision to come forward reflects a commitment to transparency, accountability, and the public interest. By revealing financial irregularities in a private company, whistleblowers expose potential fraud, safeguard stakeholders’ interests, and contribute to restoring organizational integrity.
In the mentioned case study, the whistleblower confronted ethical dilemmas when uncovering financial irregularities. They had to weigh their loyalty to the organization, their own job security, and the potential harm caused by the misconduct against the greater moral imperative of revealing the truth. By choosing to disclose the irregularities, the whistleblower demonstrated courage and a commitment to upholding ethical standards.
Whistleblowing faces several challenges, including a lack of protection, social stigma, and fear of retaliation. To address these challenges, institutional mechanisms play a vital role. Effective whistleblower protection laws, anonymous reporting mechanisms, and supportive organizational cultures are crucial. These mechanisms ensure that whistleblowers are shielded from retaliation, provided legal safeguards, and offered emotional support throughout the process.
The impact of whistleblowing on organizational integrity cannot be understated. By exposing misconduct, whistleblowers contribute to improved governance, increased transparency, and enhanced accountability. In the case study, the revelation of financial irregularities led to legal action and subsequent reforms within the private company. This action underscored the importance of whistleblower disclosures in maintaining organizational integrity and preventing further harm.
In conclusion, individuals have an ethical responsibility to report unethical practices in both public and private organizations. Whistleblowing plays a crucial role in promoting accountability and upholding ethical standards. However, whistleblowers face significant challenges, necessitating the presence of robust institutional mechanisms to protect them. By supporting whistleblowers and valuing their contributions, organizations can foster a culture of integrity and transparency. The case study highlights the ethical dilemmas faced by whistleblowers and the significant impact of their actions on upholding transparency, accountability, and organizational integrity. PIDPI – Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informer Resolutions